Shoreline Armoring Kayak Patrol with guest Wendy Gerstel
Sadly, our previous kayak patrol scheduled for Saturday November 6th had to be cancelled due to high winds. The good news is that we have rescheduled the event for Saturday, November 20th, giving you time to sign up! Join our guest field guide Wendy Gerstel, who will teach us about bulkheads, shoreline armoring, and geological processes. The event is from 1:00 to 4:00 PM on Saturday, November 20th. We will launch from Boston Harbor Marina at 1:30 PM.
Wendy will discuss the following:
- What exactly is a bulkhead? What is the difference between a bulkhead and a retaining wall?
- Why are so many miles of Puget Sound shoreline armored?
- Erosion and landsliding – geologic and hydrologic controls, triggers, perceptions vs. observations.
- Effects of bulkheads on beaches, beach and slope processes, and nearshore habitat.
- Balancing habitat restoration and conservation with human health and safety concerns, and beach access and view expectations.
- Removing/discouraging armoring through upland and shoreline management techniques that accommodate natural slope/bluff/beach processes
- Adapting to and accommodating sea level rise, storm surges, natural bluff retreat.
- On-going Shore Friendly Program goals and efforts to date.
Wendy Gerstel is a licensed Engineering Geologist and Hydrogeologist, and is the proprietor and principal of Qwg Applied Geology, a small woman-owned business that specializes in geologic mapping, analysis and proactive mitigation of landslide hazards, coastal geomorphology, and applied geologic and hydrogeologic investigations. Wendy has over 30 years of experience working with Federal, State, and local jurisdictions, Tribes, non-profit groups, and private landowners. Since 1992, Wendy has provided coastal geologic, geomorphic, and hydrogeologic input to a range of research, mapping, mitigation, and restoration projects around Puget Sound. She has extensive experience mapping Puget Sound glacial deposits and unstable slopes, and providing professional input to land-use planning decisions and restoration projects.
Visit our Volunteer Center page to register.