DERT’s final comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) are posted below. While we agree with the EIS that the estuary alternative would significantly improve habitat and water quality conditions, is the most cost effective alternative, and would greatly reduce or eradicate the invasive species that have plagued the lower Deschutes River basin for decades, we have numerous concerns with the Draft EIS document and the evaluate process and criteria. Our concerns are detailed in the document below. We would like to emphasize that the Executive Summary of the Draft EIS is misleading – Indeed, there is a frequent disconnect between statements made in the Executive Summary and the actual content of the substantive chapters in the DEIS. These are errors of both omission and emphasis. We will point out some examples below. Sadly, most people will only have the time and energy to review the Executive Summary. Therfore, the final DEIS Executive Summary should be more accurate and unbiased in its statements.