Will you please support DERT and our community by making your generous gift to Deschutes Estuary Restoration Team today?
Donations can be made via PayPal:
Make a one-time donation
Checks can also be made out to Deschutes Estuary Restoration Team and sent to:
PO Box 11093
WA 98508
Organization EIN: 27-2317887.
Thank you for your support! We value your contribution.
Your financial contribution supports our staff and advocacy partners’ tireless work driving public support through community education and engagement to ensure that everyone, throughout the Deschutes Watershed, can eventually take pride in a healthy estuary in our state’s capitol. With donor contributions, we can continue to apply pressure during the final stages of the EIS process and beyond. Additionally, funders like you maintain our South Sound Healthy Watersheds Program in which we monitor water quality in the watershed and provide on-the-water education events.
Your help is critical to our success– thank you for your dedication to the restoration of the Deschutes estuary.