In 1951 our community chose to destroy the Deschutes estuary, replacing it with a reflecting lake created by the construction of the 5th Ave dam. Today we have learned that destroying our local ecosystems doesn’t just affect wildlife, it harms people and communities. For more than three decades the water in the stagnant lake has been so toxic swimming has been forbidden. More recently boating had to be banned due to biological hazards. Today many groups are working for a future that includes a restored estuary that will bring economic, recreational and environmental benefits into the heard of Olympia.
Vision for the future
Picture exploring Heritage Park and the restored estuary from brand new boardwalks as you take in a view filled with local wildlife. During high tide you would see an environment similar to Capitol Lake but one that is far more vibrant and filled with life. You might also catch a wave from your neighbor as they drift past you in their kayak or canoe. If you returned during low tide you would see a rich and transformed landscape. The Deschutes River would be flowing free through multiple channels surrounded by rich shorelines filled with wildlife. Instead of a stagnant and degraded lake that is steadily filling with sediment, is closed to the public, and that suffers from algae blooms, and low levels of dissolved oxygen you would see a healthy, vibrant and dynamic estuary that would draw people to visit our community while supporting a vast range of local wildlife.
Restoring the Deschutes estuary would result in a lasting symbol that could be held up as an example of what is possible when people come together to restore not only their local environment but also their community. Instead of living with the mistakes of our past, we can lead our region down a better path – one that recognizes that our community is stronger and healthier when we protect the ecosystems that support us. Olympia is the Capital of our state and it is time for us to stop living in the past and lead by example. It is time for us to restore the Deschutes estuary.
Are you aware that there is an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) being conducted that evaluates management options for the lower Deschutes River and Capitol “Lake”? Visit our EIS webpage to learn more about this process. There was exciting news released regarding the EIS process – read about it here.

Download our Deschutes River Watershed Guide for an overview of the history, science and potential of the Deschutes Estuary. Included is a pull-out map with points of interest for your own walking tour of the region. Download PDF